Monday, September 17, 2012

Stranger Photos

On the theme of photos, I also really love this page - Stranger Photos Have Happened, Vol. 1. Basically, some fantastic, creative person has tied a disposable camera to a park bench for the day with a little note asking whoever finds it to take some pictures.

On revisiting the page today I found that they now have a Volume 2, Tokyo edition. Both pages are super cute and quirky. I love the original, fun, trusting idea and would love to do something like this one day to see the results!

It made me think of being in other people's photographs and I wonder how many other people's photos I am actually in. I have traveled a little (19 countries and counting!!) and have often found myself ducking out of the way or getting caught in the back of other traveller's photographs. I have a ton of randoms in the back of my pictures so I wonder if I am in someone's photo album on their coffee table on the other side of the world. What a fun thought!!

I once read somewhere that someone wanted to go to Disneyland, pick one family and follow them around for the day. That way, when they'd look back at their photos they would seem the SAME person always lurking around! Hilarious.

Hope you find this site super fun too! :)

Awkward Family Photos

This brilliant website (and book!) never fails to make me laugh. The photos are so real, so hilarious and so terribly, terribly awkward. Some are downright crazy, some cringe-worthy but most of them will have you feeling very grateful that this is not your family!

This one actually reminds me of a family I know! Scary!
Oh dear, Grandma!

Ummm, what?

Even better (in my opinion) than Awkward Family Photos is AWKWARD FAMILY PET PHOTOS!

This page has some of the best photos I have even seen and has induced that hysterical, silent, shaking laughter where you can't speak and just clap your hands like a retarded seal.

The best thing about this site is that it always ends in asking one question - WHY??! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHHYYYYYY?!

Who are these people, and why oh why did they think this was a good idea?! haha
But why the shower cap?
Definitely my favourite - the jumper, the glasses, the sneaky pony tail and, of course, the lasers!

Please, oh please, visit this site - you won't regret it!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Benjamin Lacombe

Ooh I am so happy to write this blog post about exquisite French illustrator Benjamin Lacombe.

Benjamin is responsible for the illustrations in several of my favourite books including Blancanieves (Snow White in Spanish), Macabre Tales (a collection of works by Edgar Allen Poe, also available in Spanish - Los Cuentos Macabros) and Cherry and Olive.

I am the proud owner of 'Geneologia de una Bruja' (Geneology of a Witch), a collaboration between Lacombe and Sebastien Perez. There are two parts; the story of a young witch who discovers what she is and the 'Witches Grimerie', that traces the little witch's ancestors back to the dawn of time. Apparently it all started with Lilith, who was in the Garden of Eden and worked hand in hand with Beelzebub against Adam and Eve.  It is one of my most prized possessions and I love to spend a quiet afternoon pouring over the heavily illustrated pages of the Grimerie and losing myself in the quirky fantasy that Lacombe and Perez have created.

My copy of 'Geneologia de una Bruja'

Benjamin Lacombe's work holds a lot of beauty, often with a dark, sinister edge. Although pure fantasy, his creations reveal very real emotions and the often melancholy faces of his characters scream out to the audience from the page.

Lacombe is also responsible for the breathtaking "Il Était Une Fois" (Once Upon A Time) - a beautifully crafted pop up book that creatively and wonderfully brings traditional children's stories to life.

I am really excited about Benjamin's latest project 'L'Herbier des Fées' or The Fairy Herbarium, another collaboration with Sebastien Perez. Once again, his haunting yet playful works draw you in and hold on tightly to the reigns of your imagination.

To see more of Benjamin Lacombe's talent visit his website and YouTube channel 

Cute Explosion!

Need an injection of ridiculous cuteness into your day? Then Daily Bunny is the place for you! Yes, your co-workers and friends may be alarmed at your squeals of 'Awwwwwwwwww' when you watch the flopsy bunny fall over (you'll know it when you see it!)  but these little bunnies are just too adorable to say no.

Side effects may include: 1. Resentment of anything in your life that isn't a fluffy little bunny and 2. The (most likely unsuccessful) petitioning of your partner to let you get your own little bundle of long-eared, twitchy-nosed, cotton-tailed CUTENESS!

Blog love - Let Your Joy Rise

This beautiful, inspiring blog is the work of a friend of mine, Shanny - a woman with a huge smile and a heart to match.

Shanny's blog was one of the reasons I decided to start my own, and she gives a fearless, funny account of her amazing journey. You see, Shanny is young, intelligent and a woman of action. After significant turmoil in her life, she decided to take the opportunity for a new life by the horns and write a list. No, this isn't one of those bucket list stories and she's not dying. She'll tell you all about it and take it from me, you'll be seriously impressed by this girls honesty, tenacity and joyful outlook on life!

I met Shanny when traveling Europe recently and feel privileged to have been a part of one of the many amazing list goals - NUMBER 2: Travel around Europe!

Visit Shanny at  - and 'like' her on Facebook -

All photos from the Let Your Joy Rise Facebook page.

Food glorious food!

Gah, deliciousness! I don't even know where to begin or what recipe to highlight as there is so much tastiness to choose from!

Thanks to the AH-MAAAY-ZING playing with flour blog, I have been falling in love with baking all over again. I used to bake regularly but haven't been able to indulge in months as I was living in Spain and my kitchen was...well.. a little dodgy to say the least. As I was only there for 6 months I didn't want to buy a whole heap of pots and pans and I also found out that our cheeky oven was rather unreliable and LOVED to burn things to a crisp within seconds!

BUT! Now I am back in Aus and have stumbled upon this tip top blog by an anonymous 26 year old Gold Coast student! She too loves to bake (obviously) and has some seriously indulgent recipes up her sleeve. It's a difficult choice but I am pretty darn impressed with the cheeky JAFFA FUDGE BROWNIES (drool!) and the decadent Cherry-Ripe Tartlettes.

All photos from -

Pablo Neruda - Soneto XVII

No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio
o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego:
te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.

Te amo como la planta que no florece y lleva
dentro de sí, escondida, la luz de aquellas flores,
y gracias a tu amor vive oscuro en mi cuerpo
el apretado aroma que ascendió de la tierra.

Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde,
te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo:
así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera,

sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres,
tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía,
tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueño.


I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.